Intellectual and Cognitive Effects of Plotinus on the Mystic Philosophical Opinions of Attar and Rumi


  • Roja Pourfaraj Islamic Azad University
  • Reza Ashrafzadeh Islamic Azad University
  • Abulqasem Amir Ahmadi Islamic Azad University
  • Ali Eshghi Sardehi Islamic Azad University


Anahtar Kelimeler:

Islamic Mysticism- Neo-Platonic Philosophy- Plotinus- Attar- Rumi- Pantheism.


The effects and synergies of intellectual and cultural influence are the features undeniable in various nations and civilizations from ancient times until the present day. Schools of thought, ideas and theories of philosophical and mystical in human life, have seen many changes and passed through a development and evolution. Plotinus, one of the philosophers of ancient Greece and founder of the Neo-Platonic philosophy, expressed intellectual and philosophical statements about the existence of human and relationship between man and the Creator of man and the universe. In the culture of Persian mysticism, the thinkers were inspired by the ideas of this Greek scholar and created many works. In this regard, Attar and Rumi as two figures in Islamic-Iranian mysticism affected by the ideas of this outstanding thinker. In this article, we are to distinguish similarities and differences of these three thoughtful ideas with each other in eleven categories: celibacy of spirit, spiritualism, world-aversion and so on.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Pourfaraj, R., Ashrafzadeh, R., Ahmadi, A. A., & Sardehi, A. E. (2017). Intellectual and Cognitive Effects of Plotinus on the Mystic Philosophical Opinions of Attar and Rumi. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 5(4), 330-338.



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