Aesthetical Study of Patterns and Forms in the Metalworks during Seljuk Dynasty


  • Ashraf Sadat Mousavi Lar
  • Azadeh Moradi


Anahtar Kelimeler:

Seljuk dynasty- Seljuk metalwork- Traditional Aesthetics- Figure- Form.


One of the brightest periods of Iranian art begins with the entrance of the Seljuk dynasty in the land. Metalwork and particularly the use of statues, gold and silver faces restrictions in the Islamic society which have influenced the basis of Seljuk traditional aesthetics. Metalwork is worth to be studied in order to understand basis of aesthetics of Seljuk figures and forms.

This study has chosen twenty samples of metal works from Seljuk and Sasanid eras to get to know the aesthetic principles of Seljuk metalwork. Another inquiry of the paper is to grasp the differences between the metalwork of this era and pre-Islamic period. Research method has been a historical-descriptive and analytic-comparative one. The results show that tribal traditions rules Iranian-Islamic Seljuk metalwork and Islamic tradition has obtained the most frequency after comparisons were implemented. Used metals by the Seljuk respectively are silver, bronze, brass and copper. Construction and decoration techniques include chasing, [casting, engraving, niello (with equal statistics)], inlaying, hammering, [embossing and open working]. Decorative figures include [floral and geometric figures along with inscriptions], animal, legendary and human figures.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Mousavi Lar, A. S., & Moradi, A. (2017). Aesthetical Study of Patterns and Forms in the Metalworks during Seljuk Dynasty. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 6(3), 966-984.



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