The Role of Allegory and Symbol in Expressing the Fixed Entities in Araghi and Ibn-e-Arabi’s View


  • Batool Mahdavi


Anahtar Kelimeler:

Allegory- Symbol- Araghi- Ibn-e-Arabi- Araghi and Ibn-e-Arabi’s works.


In the realm of mysticism, especially in Ibn-e-Arabi’s view and his followers including Araghi (1991), allegory and symbol have central and key roles in expressing mystic matters and recognizing the facts of universe; it may be said that sometimes expressing these matters without using the resistant linguistic elements such as allegory and symbol is deficient and inexpressive. Some topics in which Ibn-e-Arabi and Araghi have used some allegories like sea, goblet and wine, and also have used some symbols such as light to the absolute nature of the universe are fixed entities and the other mystic matters related to pantheism and manifestation the multiplicity out of unity. In fact, in their view the universe and creatures which have no existence in the world of divine knowledge or fixed entities are outcropped by emanating God to non-existence mirrors or fixed entities. Considering these matters, this article is aimed at finding the role and function of allegory and symbol in expressing the mystic matters like the theory of fixed entities and its related issues in Araghi’s poetry and Loma’at (1992) and Ibn-e-Arabi’s works. The results show that Araghi’s opinions are influenced by Ibn-e-Arabi’s works. 


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Mahdavi, B. (2017). The Role of Allegory and Symbol in Expressing the Fixed Entities in Araghi and Ibn-e-Arabi’s View. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 6(1), 817-824.



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