The Literary Genre of Arabic Poetry in Khorasan in the 4th Century AH


  • Tayebeh Sadat Hosseini
  • Enaiatollah Fatehi Nezahad


Anahtar Kelimeler:

Literary genres- Arabic poetry- Khorasan- The 4th century AH.


From the first century AD, Khorasan has been popular as one of the bases of Arabic poetry and this era has been the heyday of Arabic poetry in this place. As the study of poems based on literary genres enables people to study these works more cohesively, we have divided the Arabic poems of the 4th century into four genres, namely lyrical, epic, dramatic and didactic. Then, we discuss the history of each of these types among Arabs and afterwards analyze the Arabic poems of Khorasan. We concluded that lyrical and didactic genres are the most widely used types of poetry among Khorasani poets and that their poems did not have the dramatic genre. Also, epic poems did not exist in the poetry of this period, neither in the world literature sense, nor in the sense that was considered among Arabs. We just observed boasting and praise poems that are a subset of epic poetry.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Hosseini, T. S., & Nezahad, E. F. (2017). The Literary Genre of Arabic Poetry in Khorasan in the 4th Century AH. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 6(1), 777-790.



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