Comparative Comparison of City and Urbanism during Sassanid Period in Iran and the Ancient Roman


  • Zohre Moqimizade


Anahtar Kelimeler:

City- Urbanization- Sassanid- The Ancient Roman- Hippodomus.


Sassanid replaced migrating nomads and tribes with urbanization system and concentration of population. Sassanid desire to increase the population was due to the fact that population is the core of urban systems and focus-oriented system. Sassanid tried marching to Syria and Asia Minor to gain population. Immigrant Roman population was accommodated in newly established cities. Romans had structured and deep thinking about urban development, such that their territory was made up of urban units which were connected through a system of roads and bridges. Romans innovation in urban development can be summed up in creating military cities. Sassanid urbanization after the Parthians was influenced by Roman urbanization which is most visible in the shape of Sassanid cities. In this study, while examining cities and urbanization in Sassanid reign and Roman Empire, their influence on each other and their similarities and differences in their urbanization methods were also investigated.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Moqimizade, Z. (2017). Comparative Comparison of City and Urbanism during Sassanid Period in Iran and the Ancient Roman. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 6(1), 668-684.



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