An Investigation into the Certainty of Provisions Based on Confession and Experts’ Consensual Judgments and Perspectives in Legal Lawsuits in Iranian Courts


  • Maysam Taram
  • Hamid Reza Parhammeh
  • Iman Zeajeldi


Anahtar Kelimeler:

Confession- Expert’s Perspective- Consensual- Court’s Verdict- Iran laws.


In legal disputes, in some cases which judges cannot issue verdict due to the specialty of the matter, an expert or more are assigned by court as requested by parties to issue verdict. Now this question arises is that can the verdict issued based on confession and experts’ perspectives be objected by parties? This study seeks an answer to this question by examining Civil Code and verdicts of Supreme Court as well as current literature.


Abdali, Mehrzad (2006). Procedures of Civil Procedure Code, First Edition. Tehran: Nikandish.

Emami, Seyed Hussein (1998). Civil Rights, Vol. 6, Edition 8, Tehran: Islamiyah Publishers.

Husseini, Seyed Mohammad Reza (2001). Law of Civil Procedure on Judicial Procedures, First Edition. Tehran: Majd Scientific and Cultural Assembly.

Ra’at, Abbas (2005). The Civil Procedure Code in the Current Legal Order, 2nd Edition. Tehran: Khate Sevom Publications.

Shams, Abdullah (2002). Civil Procedure Code, Vol. 2, First Edition. Tehran: Mizan Publications.

Shahidi, Musa (1961). Judicial Criteria, Legal - Criminal - Administrative - solicitors of the High Court of Justice and the Judges Supreme Court, Third Edition. Tehran: A’alami Press.



Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Taram, M., Parhammeh, H. R., & Zeajeldi, I. (2017). An Investigation into the Certainty of Provisions Based on Confession and Experts’ Consensual Judgments and Perspectives in Legal Lawsuits in Iranian Courts. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 6(1), 29-35.



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