Time Narrative Discourse in the Novel: The Blind Owl (Bofe Kor)


  • Zeinab Alavi Islamic Azad University
  • Reza Ashrafzadeh Islamic Azad University
  • Mohammad Alavi Moghaddam Ferdowsi University



Anahtar Kelimeler:

Narratology- Gerard Genette- Time- the Blind Owl- Sadeq Hedayat.


Narratology is relatively a new science that took on the scientific aspects by the structuralist studies. There are different, similar and even contradictory, ideas rose in this regard. Gérard Genette’s view of time is considered as one of the most significant elements of the narrative discourse in the review on the narrative in literature. The modern novel-in failing to comply with chronological time-is dramatically receptive to this type of criticism. This analytical research paper examines the novel The Blind Owl (Bofe Kor) by Sadeq Hedayat with the aim of helping to read and understand the novel approach according to narrative discourse. The results show that the time in this novel does not follow the chronographic rules; in other words, the time fluctuates under the influence of the retrospective and prospective time disorder and thus, the time disorders and other factors such as repetition, redundancy and etc. cause the slow acceleration in narrative that led to more prolong the narrative text than the story. 


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Alavi, Z., Ashrafzadeh, R., & Moghaddam, M. A. (2017). Time Narrative Discourse in the Novel: The Blind Owl (Bofe Kor). Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 5(4), 339-344. https://doi.org/10.7596/taksad.v5i4.609



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