The Influence of Self-Control on the Artistic and Performing Quality of a Musician


  • Alla Grinchenko
  • Nataliia Desiatnykova
  • Anzhelina Mamykina
  • Tetiana Shafarchuk


Anahtar Kelimeler:

Self-control- musical-performance self-control- auditory control- emotional control- auditory representations- methods.


The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of musical performance self-control as a professional quality of a musician, which manifests itself in the comparison, assessment, correction of one's own performance during interpretive work on a musical work. The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate the essence and develop methods for the formation of musical - performance self-control of future teachers of musical art in the process of learning to play the piano. The objective is based on theoretical (analysis, generalization, comparison, abstraction, systematization) and empirical (educational observation, creative task) studies. In this study, musical - performance self-control is considered as a conscious, dynamic process that develops based on the natural inclinations and psychological characteristics of the musician-performer and synthesizes the concentration of musical ear, attention, will be aimed at critical assessment and correction of one's own performance of a musical work by the presented auditory standard and planned to perform interpretation. The features of auditory, mechanical, emotional self-control are considered in their functions in the stage-by-stage work on a piece of music. The proposed creative tasks and methods of development, formation, and flexible possession of self-control, contribute to understanding the essence of the creative process, improving the artistic and performing quality of self-preparation of the future music teacher.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Grinchenko, A., Desiatnykova, N., Mamykina, A., & Shafarchuk, T. (2020). The Influence of Self-Control on the Artistic and Performing Quality of a Musician. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 9(4), 47-59.