The Development of Professional Identity and Professional Mentality of Youth



Anahtar Kelimeler:

Professionalization- professional self-determination- identity- social identity- professional identity- types of professional identity- professional mentality.


This article represents a theoretical analysis, systematization and generalization of the views of various scholars on understanding the content, structure and development of professional identity and professional mentality of university youth in the process of vocational training. It is proved that the current social, political, economic situation has led to the blurring of the guidelines necessary for both personal and professional self-determination, and as a consequence, the problem of finding professional identity is extremely important for modern young people. Professional identity is considered as a dynamic creation that includes a well-established, consistent, real and ideal professional image of the self, providing self-realization, development, inner integrity, personality determination, adequacy and stability of its self-concept regardless of situation changes, identity with profession and professional community, mature solution of professional tasks. It is shown that the content-forming goal of professional education, the result of professionalization is the development of a special professional mentality of the future specialist, which determines the peculiarities of perception of professionally significant objects, professional social attitudes and values of the individual and becomes a special form of their life and deep existence.

Yazar Biyografisi

Olena Kriukova, Kyiv National Linguistic University

Philosophy of education,  Cross-cultural psychology, Educational psychology


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Kriukova, O., & Reva, M. (2020). The Development of Professional Identity and Professional Mentality of Youth. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 9(4), 87-97.