Genesis-modeling Method in the Educational Process


  • Ivan Bekh dr hab., professor, member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Director of the Institute of Education Problems of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
  • Yurii Pelekh dr hab., professor, Vice-rector for scientific-pedagogical and educational-methodological work of Rivne State University of Humanities, Rivne Department of Educational Research Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa, Poland


Anahtar Kelimeler:

Genesis-modeling method- Stages of formation- Principles of organization- Levels of diligence- Developmental results


Innovative development ideas in the modern educational process lead to the search for adequate methods that should provide, firstly, humanistic orientation, secondly, be interactive, thirdly, be based on the ideas of higher psychological mechanisms of consciousness and self-consciousness. The genesis-modeling method has to provide an educational strategy for the growing personality. The peculiarity of the genesis-modeling method is that it aims at both the model (ideal representation) of a particular personal formation (value) and the optimal way to achieve it. Due to a dual purpose, this method can be qualified as an innovative psychological-pedagogical project, which has its own value, because its content allows productive educational variations. Genesis-modeling method involves the means of organizing own behavior by a person at the stage of perception as well as at the stage of arbitrary acceptance of an ethical requirement (spiritual value). These characteristics of the genesis-modeling method are deduced from a number of methodological principles: 1) The principle of activity of the situation components, which states the relationship between the subject and social environment; 2) The principle of systematic personal development reveals in internal relations the difficult stage of their transformation in the process of cultural development of the subject; 3) The principle of the active nature of personal development explains the peculiarities of their origin: from natural-reactive to arbitrary-sustainable. The transformative possibilities of the genesis-modeling method are considered using the example of such a value as diligence, which is ranked from high to low level. It reveals the four stages of the personality's growth to the designated value. For each of them, in the task-oriented way, the research presents the specific purpose of the educator’s actions, tactics, direction, content, mode of presentation, conditions of action, as well as the nature of the student’s response. The task-oriented form of realization of these stages allows carrying out timely postoperative control. The fifth stage is the reflexive one, which includes the appropriate exercises aimed at providing the development of student’s value of diligence. The research also presents quantitative results, which testify to the high efficiency of the genesis-modeling method in the general educational process.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Bekh, I., & Pelekh, Y. (2020). Genesis-modeling Method in the Educational Process. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 9(2), 90-105.