Іmplementation of Emotional Intelligence Theory in Future Musical Art Teachers Training


  • Svitlana Iryhina Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko
  • Alina Sbruieva
  • Iryna Chystiakova
  • Zhanna Chernyakova



Anahtar Kelimeler:

Multiple intelligences theory- Emotional intelligence theory- Music education- Teacher training- Future musical art teachers- Future musical art teachers training.


The article investigates the ways of implementing emotional intelligence theory in future musical art teachers training. The methodological basis of the study includes synergetic, holistic, and hermeneutic approaches, the application of which allows finding out the ways of the future musical art teacher’s emotional intelligence development. It is shown that emotional intelligence is an integral dynamic phenomenon that provides optimistic awareness, understanding, and control of one’s emotions and emotions of other people; it also influences the success of communicative interaction. On the basis of the analysis of scientific literature on the issue under investigation and practical experience of training future musical art teachers, the ways of implementing the emotional intelligence theory in the professional preparation of future musical art teachers were determined, namely: activation of students’ motivation for emotional interaction in the process of professional preparation; creation of appropriate artistic-educational environment; realization of a practically oriented, personalized, active creative process of development of the future musical art teachers’ emotional intelligence through introduction of training technologies; involving students in constructive activities through joint events, game teaching methods, dramatization, etc.; learning self-talk skills, internal dialogue and self-affirmation; improving the effectiveness of artistic-pedagogical communication and professional training of the future musical art teachers; carrying out research activities. It is proved that the use of the provisions of the multiple intelligences theory in HEI for the development of emotional intelligence provides opportunities to students’ self-cognition; better understanding of students’ talents and abilities by teachers; stimulating creation of innovative teaching methods and forms; involving students in the creative learning process, taking into account the natural capabilities of all types of intelligence.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Iryhina, S., Sbruieva, A., Chystiakova, I., & Chernyakova, Z. (2020). Іmplementation of Emotional Intelligence Theory in Future Musical Art Teachers Training. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 9(2), 50-60. https://doi.org/10.7596/taksad.v9i2.2575