Positive Personality Education: An Ontological Aspect




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Positive personality- Education- Ontological aspect- Positive thinking


The article highlights the problem of positive personality education in the ontological aspect. The authors believe that pedagogy, as a branch of human studies, requires a deep study of the multidimensionality and multivaluedness of a man, understanding his inwardness basing on a new methodology of discovering an integrated and holistic world. “The Man in the World and the World inside the Man” is a concept, which, in our opinion, should become the defining context of modern philosophy of education and pedagogical science, in particular. This concept has two sides. The first one, the Man in the World, testifies that a man is an integral part of the objective world. The other side, the World inside the Man, defines the inner dimension of man. The idea of positive education is based on the assumption that the pursuit of the best things such as values, meanings, ideals of the highest order, the ability to seek and create positive things in the world should become a need for a highly developed personality. For the realization of this idea, it is extremely important to form positive thinking among student youth. According to the authors, positive thinking is a reflection of the formation of a holistic picture of the world of a man, where stable systems of personal meanings and values are the defining basis. It is the values and meanings dominant that determines the nature of the relationship of a man to the world. According to the authors, the interest should be the agent for transmitting positive values and meanings. A special role in this process belongs to the art, because the art itself contributes to the development of the human in the man, brings a sense of fullness of life, and human happiness. We are convinced that only in this way it is possible to overcome the alienation of a man from life and to project the future prospects of his development and live a happy life.

Yazar Biyografileri

Halyna Pavlivna Shevchenko, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University

Galyna P. Shevchenko, Academician of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Professor, Ed.D.

Galyna Shevchenko is the Head of Pedagogy Department, Director of the Scientific Research Institute of Spiritual Development of Man, Head of the UNESCO Department in Spiritual and Cultural Values of Upbringing and Education at Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University. She is also the Honored Scientist of Ukraine, Academician of International Jan Amos Komensky Slavonic Pedagogical Academy, member of the National Committee of Ukraine on the line of UNESCO, the author of new directions in modern pedagogical science such as methodology, theory and practice of spiritual development of student’s youth by means of art and cooperation of arts in aesthetic development of youth; Editor-in-Chief of the Collection of Scienific Papers “Spirituality of a Personality: Methodology, Theory and Practice”, Member of the editorial board of the journals “Director of the school, gymnasium and lyceum”, “Word of the teacher”, “Philosophy of communication”. Her main research interests are problems of methodology, theory and practice of spiritual development of student youth; art and aesthetic education of students; influence of arts interaction on the spiritual world of a personality. To date, she has published 33 books and over 150 scientific articles.

Tetiana Leonardivna Antonenko, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University

Tetiana L. Antonenko, Associate Prof., Psy.D. in Educational and Developmental Psychology, Ph.D. in Education, Professor at the Department of Pedagogy, main research worker of the Scientific Research Institute of Spiritual Development of Man, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University. Sphere of interests: psychological foundations of formation of the value and sense sphere of the future specialist’s personality; fostering a culture of feelings through the means of art; ideal in the structure of the value and sense sphere of a personality.

Iryna Oleksiivna Safonova, Volodymyr

Iryna O. Safonova, Ph.D. in Education, Associate Professor at Pedagogy Department, research worker of the Scientific Research Institute of Spiritual Development of Man, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University. Her sphere of interests: axiological foundations of intercultural competence formation at foreign university students; positive personality formation.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Shevchenko, H. P., Antonenko, T. L., & Safonova, I. O. (2020). Positive Personality Education: An Ontological Aspect. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 9(1), 133-144. https://doi.org/10.7596/taksad.v9i1.2432