Effective Methods and Techniques of Study of Autobiographical Fiction in Senior Forms of a Secondary School


  • Kyialbek K. Akmatov
  • Abdikarim Zh. Muratov
  • Melisbek U. Muzulmanov



Anahtar Kelimeler:

Autobiography- Biography- Perception of the world- Reality- Historical events- Historical figure- Methodological technique- Purpose of a man- Originality- Facts of life- Relation- Pattern- Toponyms.


The study of the literary work of the writer in the context of his biography contributes to the emergence of a more profound interest in certain aspects of life and creative work of the writer in the pupils. This methodical technique is creative in nature, since when analyzing the particular episodes of imaginative literary works of various genres, the teacher must guess what to rely on. This paper, by considering the novel “The Long Way” by M. Elebaev, depicts the peculiarities of certain methods and techniques of study of autobiographical fiction in higher forms of Secondary General School. Senior pupils are positively showing interest in the personal life of the writer, if they have developed an idea that any work of great talent is created on the basis of the personal experience of the writer. This means that literary works reflect the author's concept, his attitude to the phenomena of reality depicted by him. The importance of such methods and techniques as disclosure of genre nature, explanation of the meaning of the term “autobiography”, finding a place of autobiographical fiction in the world classics should be noted as methodical specifics of the study of autobiographical fiction. Experience has proven that only after these book knowledge and practical knowledge and information will the analysis of autobiographical fiction in Kyrgyz literature be effective. In the analysis of autobiographical fiction, such techniques are used as the conversation with the pupils, work with the geographical map, brief lecture, reading and discussion of passages of the literary work associated with historical events of that era, charting the hero's connection with other people, copying out the toponyms and the names of historical figures from the text of the literary work, reading of opinions on the literary work, work with dictionary.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Akmatov, K. K., Muratov, A. Z., & Muzulmanov, M. U. (2019). Effective Methods and Techniques of Study of Autobiographical Fiction in Senior Forms of a Secondary School. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 8(2), 102-113. https://doi.org/10.7596/taksad.v8i2.2152