Nadiia Goryukhina’s Individual Style of Scientific Thinking in the Context of the Issue of the Scientific Rationality Type


  • Tetyana Martynyuk
  • Anatoliy Martynyuk


Anahtar Kelimeler:

Individual style of thinking- Theoretical musicology- Non-classical and post-nonclassical type of scientific rationality- Doctrine of musical form- Alienation in music.


Nadiia Goryukhina (1918-1998) was an outstanding scientist, a hieratical Ukrainian musicologist with a profound individual style of thinking. She was head of the most significant theoretical scientific school, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Doctor of Arts, Professor, member of the National Union of Composers of Ukraine. Her doctrine of musical form, which had been formed throughout the scientific life of the coryphaeus of the Ukrainian music theory of the 20th century, became an invaluable foundation for the professional training of musicians. The phenomenon of her individual style of scientific thinking has become a deep learning resource, a scientific value for the development of a creative personality in the field of musical analytics. The period of Nadiia Goryukhina’s scientific work coincides with the turning point, when the change in the types of rationality, in particular, the transition from non-classical type to post-nonclassical one, took place. The post-nonclassical type is characterized by the remarkable link between science and culture, development of humanitaristic and interdisciplinary approach, involvement of non-scientific context into research. Nadiia Goryukhina’s research papers reflect a new scientific perception of the world. They also contain the anticipation of future methods and research techniques, new approaches to musical art and musical form, and, consequently, the features of the formation of epochal style of scientific thinking. The individual style of scientific thinking of Nadiia Goryukhina with its pronounced categories and levels represents the turning point in the change of rationality types. Thus, these rationality types can be researched as a separate phenomenon of science of the 20th century.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Martynyuk, T., & Martynyuk, A. (2019). Nadiia Goryukhina’s Individual Style of Scientific Thinking in the Context of the Issue of the Scientific Rationality Type. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 8(2), 236-243.