The Role of Globalization and Integration in Interdisciplinary Research, Culture and Education Development



Anahtar Kelimeler:

Globalization- Interdisciplinary research- Culture- Education development- Integration.


The goal of this review article is to show the role of globalization and integration in interdisciplinary research, culture and education during the rapid development of human civilization in the 21st century. The process of globalization is largely connected with human development and consists in the universalization of human culture and the creation of a global human community - the only one we know today. As there are different attitudes to globalization in the world, positive, negative and neutral attitudes are considered in the article. Most researchers often distinguish economic, political, sociological and environmental approaches to the problem of globalization. But in the context of our research, it is more important to consider the cultural and educational aspects of the problem. No specific definitions and relationships of globalization and culture are proposed in our review article, but the process of globalization is described in detail. It was not easy to find research works dedicated exclusively to globalization impact on culture and education as most researchers simply conclude that culture and globalization are incompatible. The paper tasks contribute to the field of pedagogy by summarizing some theoretical issues and offering comparative study and analysis of contents and discontents of globalization in different spheres of life, but especially in education and culture exchange. The attitudes to globalization is different, so our main task was to give an unbiased assessment of the phenomenon, to show that there are more to it than just pros and cons. The globalization process and integration as its constituent part can not be turned back in the socio-historical context as much as human development and evolution can not be stopped. If we can show the inevitability of globalization then the advantages of globalization will outweigh its disadvantages.

Yazar Biyografileri

Elena A. Makarova, Don State Technical University

Humanities Department, Professor

Elena L. Makarova, Southern Federal University

Management and Innovative Technologies Department, Associate Professor

Tatyana V. Korsakova, Southern Federal University

Management and Innovative Technologies Department, Professor


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Makarova, E. A., Makarova, E. L., & Korsakova, T. V. (2019). The Role of Globalization and Integration in Interdisciplinary Research, Culture and Education Development. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 8(1), 111-127.