Signs of State and Their Historical Modifications


  • Valentin Ya. Lyubashits
  • Nikolay V. Razuvaev
  • Alexey Yu. Mamychev
  • Sergey S. Shestopal
  • Benedyk V. I.


Anahtar Kelimeler:

The State- Definition of the State- Statehood- Government- Sovereignty- Political power- Political nation- Imperium- Dominium- Essence and legal nature of the State- State power.


This study considers various historical types of the state and implementation of their universal characteristics by implementing a comparative analysis. It is shown that the traditional state had a private-law basis; a basis of the states of modern type is the public law; in the traditional state the territory acted in the form of the earth belonging to the state on the right of the supreme property; in the modern state - as geographical space to which its power extends; supremacy of the traditional state was shown in the form of sovereignty, and the state of modern type - sovereignty; the power of the traditional state has property (personal), and the modern state - political (public) character. Historical types of the state differently realize its universal characteristics, getting the special signs which are historical modifications of these characteristics in the course of evolution.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Lyubashits, V. Y., Razuvaev, N. V., Mamychev, A. Y., Shestopal, S. S., & I., B. V. (2018). Signs of State and Their Historical Modifications. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 7(3), 175-186.