Legal Identity of States in Central and Eastern Europe: Historical and Cultural Dimension


  • Anna V. Alexandrova
  • Olga A. Vorobyova
  • Marina A. Nikulina
  • Andrey V. Seregin
  • Alla A. Timofeeva


Anahtar Kelimeler:

Legal identity- Eurasianism- Slavs- Legal family- Sstate- Constitution- Legal institutions- Legal culture.


The article considers various aspects of legal system interaction and mutual influence in the states of Central and Eastern Europe during their historical and cultural development. The thing is, in particular, about unified historical (Slavic) roots of these states, common sources of law, the elements of legal culture, etc. The socialist statehood, in which they existed for about half a century, also exerted a definite influence on the development of the legal systems in these countries. The conclusions are drawn that the majority of the states of Central and Eastern Europe, having passed the so-called post-Soviet (post-socialist) stage of their development, joined the continental legal family, confirming the German theory of the temporary anomaly of socialist law. As for the Russian legal system, despite the fact that it is very close to the family of continental law by a number of criteria, it still exists apart from it (in particular, due to the specific nature of legal ideology and legal culture). Moreover, the current tendencies of social-political development (the creation of the Union State of Russia and Belarus, the Customs Union and the Unified Energy System) give grounds to assume that the emergence of the Eurasian legal family and the entry of Russia into it are possible in the long term.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Alexandrova, A. V., Vorobyova, O. A., Nikulina, M. A., Seregin, A. V., & Timofeeva, A. A. (2018). Legal Identity of States in Central and Eastern Europe: Historical and Cultural Dimension. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 7(3), 223-232.