Political Stability in Absence of Violence and Economic Growth in Pakistan


  • Zahoor Hussain Javed GC University Faisalabad
  • Liaqt Ali Waseem GC University Faisalabad
  • Muhammad Shabbir
  • Abdul Qadir Mushtaq



Anahtar Kelimeler:

Political stability- Absence of violence- Economic growth- Pakistan- ARDL.


This snapshot of political stability in absence of violence (POLIT) and economic growth (ECG) is analyzed in this study for period 1980-2016. The Ng-Perron is used to determine to order of integration. The findings shows that both series are integrated of order one. The short run impact of political stability in absence of violence on economic growth in Pakistan is determined by using VAR test and long term relationship is determined with help of Johansen Cointegration technique. This test point out that both series are integrated of order one.  The impulse response functions show that there is a positive and significant short-run association between economic growth and political stability in absence of violence. Further, analysis Granger causality test showed that there was a unidirectional causality from POLIT to ECG. Policies that will assist in the control of violence and other regulatory measures are recommended to boost up economic growth in Pakistan.

Yazar Biyografileri

Zahoor Hussain Javed, GC University Faisalabad

Dr. Liaqat Ali Waseem

PhD. Geography, (Dr.rer.nat) University of Salzburg Austria.

Assistant professor, Department of Geography, GC University Faisalabad

Email: drliaqataliwaseem@gcuf.edu.pk     Cell: +92 301 7071459

Liaqt Ali Waseem, GC University Faisalabad

Dr. Liaqat Ali Waseem PhD. Geography, 

Dr. Zahoor 


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Javed, Z. H., Waseem, L. A., Shabbir, M., & Mushtaq, A. Q. (2018). Political Stability in Absence of Violence and Economic Growth in Pakistan. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 7(5), 367-377. https://doi.org/10.7596/taksad.v7i5.1697