A Methodology of Transformation from Concept to form in Landscape Design




Anahtar Kelimeler:

Design method- Aesthetic- Form- Landscape design.


Design includes a process that is shaped by concept and form. The quality of this process is different in terms of designers' imagination, research, possibilities and user expectancy. For this reason, approaches that best respond to expectations and transfer them in the best way are important instead of one correct understanding in design. In particular, the results obtained in the design in different forms depending on the solution approach of the products, the designer's perception, perspective, experience and creativity. There are different methods used in design studies to achieve the final product. Conversion from one concept to the other is very common. Inspired by the first phase, the concept forms the soul and contributes to the formation of the space. The transformation from concept to form is one of the most effective methods of adding spirit to the land, revealing the identity of space, showing aesthetic, function, and sometimes special meaning to users. Because concept and form are the most important steps in the design of the relationship and the creation of the essential spirit. It is observed that this method is used in landscape designs as well as in all design disciplines. In this study, KTU Landscape Architecture Department 2017-2018 envisages the process of transitioning from concept to form of products and products that emerged under Environmental Design Project-2, in which second-year students are required to take a course. Within the scope of the course, the transition from the concept to the form of the project works carried out with eight students was phased in and the success of the design process was demonstrated with this method. It has been determined that many students seeking the same probing response have obtained end products that have no connection with each other at the end of the term.

Yazar Biyografileri

Nilgun Guneroglu, karadeniz teknik universitesi, peyzaj mimarligi

karadeniz teknik universitesi, peyzaj  mimarligi

Makbulenur Bekar, Karadeniz Technical University

Karadeniz Technical University, Department of Landscape Architecture, MSc


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Guneroglu, N., & Bekar, M. (2019). A Methodology of Transformation from Concept to form in Landscape Design. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 8(1), 243-253. https://doi.org/10.7596/taksad.v8i1.1625