Early Modern Russian State, "Tsar’s Discourse" and Russian Orthodox Church in the XV-XVII Centuries


  • Tamara I. Lipich
  • Vasiliy V. Lipich
  • Tatiana M. Penskaya
  • Vitaly V. Penskoy
  • Roman V. Shilishpanov
  • Irina A. Strahova



Anahtar Kelimeler:

Late Medieval Period- Early modern Period- Early Modern State- Russia- The Orthodox Church.


The article examines some special aspects of the centralized Russian state formation as the part of the Pan - European process of the early modern state formation. The researchers focus on the problem of the Tsar’s discourse as on the problem of the total claims the true Orthodox monarch should comply with. The Orthodox Church took the active part in the formation of this "discourse", and the compliance with the requirements of it guaranteed to the top authority loyalty of its people and readiness to carry out its requirements. The Church gave Grand Dukes the powerful tool when applying secular practices of legitimation.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Lipich, T. I., Lipich, V. V., Penskaya, T. M., Penskoy, V. V., Shilishpanov, R. V., & Strahova, I. A. (2018). Early Modern Russian State, "Tsar’s Discourse" and Russian Orthodox Church in the XV-XVII Centuries. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 7(2), 683-690. https://doi.org/10.7596/taksad.v7i2.1606



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