Strategies of Discourse Modeling


  • Elena A. Ogneva
  • Daria E. Nikulina
  • Elena N. Musaelian
  • Roman E. Bogachev
  • Alina A. Kutsenko
  • Ilya A. Danilenko


Anahtar Kelimeler:

Discourse- Political discourse- TV-discourse- Socio-cultural model.


Contemporary discourse modeling is the complex research methodology having many scientific algorithms. Every step of this discourse modeling methodology has the specific scientific purpose. The unity of these scientific purposes is the base to identify discourse modeling evolution steps. Modeling of political discourse and TV-discourse as the most manipulative discursive types realizes so important scientific problems to create socio-cultural model of society. The discourse model of society discovers reasons and results of transformation in discourse formations. Our discourse modeling methodology is discovering the specific feature of transformation in political discourse and TV-discourse’s formations. The majority of discursive modeling strategies are based on the socio-cultural factors, and it should be noted that both the political and movie discourses are interrelated with them, and most frequently represented as cultural realities in discursive modeling. Formulation of discourse modeling strategies is one of the ways to identify the specific features of evolution’s steps onto discourse socio-cultural model`s development.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Ogneva, E. A., Nikulina, D. E., Musaelian, E. N., Bogachev, R. E., Kutsenko, A. A., & Danilenko, I. A. (2018). Strategies of Discourse Modeling. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 7(2), 729-735.



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