On the Issue of Regional Policy in the Sphere of Ecological Safety (Based on the Documents Concerning the Republic of Kalmykia)


  • Elza I. Mantaeva
  • Victoria S. Goldenova
  • Inna V. Slobodchikova
  • Elena A. Angykaeva



Anahtar Kelimeler:

Efficient use of nature- Regional economy- Ecological policy- Protection of wildlife- Natural resources- Economic development- Authorities- Public administration- Ecological and economic balance- the Nature conservancy.


The regional government should provide ecological safety in order to ensure stable social and economic development of the country. The article outlines theoretical approach and recommendations on practice concerning ecological issues, investigates state policy aiming to preserve nature and analyses sources of threat to ecological safety in the region. The modern paradigm of the country’s and region’s development is characterized by the combination of ecological and economic policy. The ecological policy providing measures for efficient use of natural resources, their protection and restoration is implemented in the economic strategy of highly developed countries and encourages stable social and economic development of the country and the region. Some researchers assert that Russia’s most regions do not possess sufficient resources necessary to implement structural shifts which can eliminate the main threats to ecological safety. The Republic of Kalmykia can be included into this list. It is rich in natural resources but they are not restored due to the lack of regulation for efficient consumption. The main concerns of the republic are water supply, desertification, and pollution of atmosphere, waste disposal, and protection of wildlife and environment, preservation of hunting ground, forest management. The republic generates no electricity so it is delivered by neighboring regions. The republic should use the renewable ways of producing energy which can contribute to the energy and ecological safety and can attract new investment funds. There is an urgent need for stricter state regulation to ensure socioeconomic development and ecological safety in Kalmykia.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Mantaeva, E. I., Goldenova, V. S., Slobodchikova, I. V., & Angykaeva, E. A. (2018). On the Issue of Regional Policy in the Sphere of Ecological Safety (Based on the Documents Concerning the Republic of Kalmykia). Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 7(1), 12-25. https://doi.org/10.7596/taksad.v7i1.1467