Status and Role Transformations of the Elderly in Modern Russia


  • Tatyana Mikhailоvna Ryabova
  • Elena Viktorovna Frolova
  • Olga Vladimirovna Rogach
  • Andrey Vladimirovich Kirillov


Anahtar Kelimeler:

Pensioner- Seniors- Successful aging- Retirement- Culture of care- the Transformation of the pensioner’s image.


The article reviews the results of an author's study with the aim of exploring the needs and expectations of Russian citizens when they reach retirement age in view of changing status and role positions. The focus is on studying the social and psychological conditions that accompany the aging process, analyzing the reasons for the termination of employment, the evaluation of the life orientations of today's retirees. The study included a survey of 437 people who reached the retirement age and 20 in-depth interviews with pensioners. As a result, the authors confirmed the hypotheses about the dominant influence of the current "culture of caring and helping children" on the target setting in the "third age" that determine the decision to terminate or continue working. A modern pensioner is in a constant choice between work, "caring" and "life for oneself." The hypothesis concerning the concept of successful aging for the Russian pensioner has not found its confirmation in the course of the study. The study identified the following reasons for the termination / continued employment upon reaching retirement age: - health status; - the desire to live for themselves; - a reduction in the organization; - there is no one to sit with their grandchildren, / - the sense of the importance of their professional activities; - have the strength and desire to continue to work and live as before retirement; - the need to help their children and grandchildren; - fear; - the inability to live on a pension. It was found that the pensioner is perceived as an assistant, supporting children in the education of grandchildren. The degree of independence in making a decision to change the social status affects the satisfaction of the pensioner with his new status and life in connection with the termination of employment. In the current socio-economic conditions, the Russians are among Asian model "respect for old age and elderly" and the European model of personal needs and "expectations deferred". Therefore in most cases, modern pensioner in Russia performs the role of the staff in the family or at work.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Ryabova, T. M., Frolova, E. V., Rogach, O. V., & Kirillov, A. V. (2018). Status and Role Transformations of the Elderly in Modern Russia. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 7(1), 132-141.