Photographers’ Nomenclature Units: A Structural and Quantitative Analysis


  • Margarita A. Mihailova
  • Marina I. Solnyshkina


Anahtar Kelimeler:

Professional language- Nomenclature- Photographer- Discourse.


Addressing the needs of cross and intercultural communication as well as the methodology of contrastive research, the paper presents the results of the complex analysis conducted to describe semantic and pragmatic parameters of nomenclature units denoting photography equipment in the modern Russian informal discourse of professional photographers. The research is exemplified by 34 original nomenclature units and their 34 Russian equivalents used in 6871 comments posted at “Клуб” web-site in 2015. The structural and quantitative analyses of photographers’ nomenclature demonstrate the users’ morphological and graphic preferences and indirectly reflect their social and professional values. The corpus-based approach developed by Kast-Aigner (2009: 141) was applied in the study with the aim to identify the nomenclature units denoting photography equipment, validate and elaborate the data of the existing corpus. The research also throws light on the problems of professional language development and derivational processes. The perspective of the study lies in the research of the broader context of professional nomenclature. 


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Клуб (2015). URL:



Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Mihailova, M. A., & Solnyshkina, M. I. (2017). Photographers’ Nomenclature Units: A Structural and Quantitative Analysis. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 6(5), 166-172.