Philosophy as Inquiry Aimed at the Absolute Knowledge


  • Ekaterina Snarskaya
  • Artur Karimov
  • Alexei Guryanov
  • Georgij Avdoshin


Anahtar Kelimeler:

Absolute knowledge- Metaphysics- Speculative philosophy- Logic- Science- Unity of the world.


Philosophy as the absolute knowledge has been studied from two different but closely related approaches: historical and logical. The first approach exposes four main stages in the history of European metaphysics that marked out types of “philosophical absolutism”: the evolution of philosophy brought to light metaphysics of being, method, morals and logic. All of them are associated with the names of Aristotle, Bacon/Descartes, Kant and Hegel. Then these forms are considered in the second approach that defined them as subject-matter of philosophy as such. Due to their overall, comprehensive character, the focus of philosophy on them justifies its claim on absoluteness as far as philosophy is aimed at comprehension of the world’s unity regardless of the philosopher’s background, values and other preferences. And that is its prerogative since no other form of consciousness lays down this kind of aim. Thus, philosophy is defined as an everlasting attempt to succeed in conceiving the world in all its multifold manifestations. This article is to try to clarify the claim of philosophy on the absolute knowledge.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Snarskaya, E., Karimov, A., Guryanov, A., & Avdoshin, G. (2017). Philosophy as Inquiry Aimed at the Absolute Knowledge. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 6(4), 580-587.