Are We Destroying the Space That Nurtures and Embraces Us? Eco-critical Reading of Environmental Pollution in Kelly Roper’s Selected Poems


  • Ali Güneş Karabuk University



Industrialisation, Pollution, Ecosystem, Eco-criticism, Human health.


This paper examines in the selected poems of Kelly Roper from different points of view how the pollution problem seriously risks human life. In so doing, it is divided into two parts. First, the paper accounts for what eco-criticism is, how it developed and then how it deals with the relationship between literature and environment in general, between literature and environmental pollution in particular. Secondly, it tries to show the downside impact of industrialization on the environment and then identify the pollution problem and the types of pollution from different angles in Roper’s selected poems - A Choking Sky, The Stream Where I Played, Glimpse of a Polluted Future, and Perspective on Pollution. In these poems, she, as the paper argues, compares and contracts the condition of the environmental space in the past with that in the present, and she strives not only to raise awareness of how human being has devastated his beautiful environment by polluting it day by day but also to teach us what we should do in the future to protect the environment from the pernicious pollution and create a clean, liveable space for living.


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How to Cite

Güneş, A. (2017). Are We Destroying the Space That Nurtures and Embraces Us? Eco-critical Reading of Environmental Pollution in Kelly Roper’s Selected Poems. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 6(4), 1-13.