Investigation of Social Studies Prospective Teachers’ Motivation for Teaching Profession




Social studies, social studies prospective teachers, Motivation for Teaching Profession


In this study, it is aimed to determine motivation levels of social studies prospective teachers towards teaching profession. This is a descriptive research in  survey model. The sample of the study consists of total . 2193 social studies prospective teachers of 1th 2nd 3th 4th grade at Education Faculty of 12 Universities  in the 2014­2015 academic years.According to findings of this research, the perceptions of social studies prospective teachers’ motivation for teaching profession are high and agreeing. Social studies prospective teachers’ motivation for teaching profession shows a significant difference according to the gender of teacher candidates. Female prospective teachers 'perceptions are higher than male prospective teachers' perceptions. Social studies prospective teachers’ motivation for teaching profession changes significantly according to grade level. Social studies prospective teachers’ motivation for teaching profession is at the highest level in the first grade, but it is the lowest level in the 4th grade. Social studies prospective teachers’ motivation for teaching profession does not differ significantly according to university.

Author Biographies

Serpil Recepoğlu, Kastamonu University

Education Faculty

Bilgin Ünal İbret, Kastamonu University

Education Faculty


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How to Cite

Recepoğlu, S., & İbret, B. Ünal. (2019). Investigation of Social Studies Prospective Teachers’ Motivation for Teaching Profession. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 8(1), 320-331.